Male Infertility A Bigger Problem Than Many Realise-9472

March 1st, 2011
Male Infertility A Bigger Problem Than Many Realise-9472

Research by Swedish health professionals believe that males are 30% responsible for a couple’s infertility problems, with around 10% of these being due to problems connected with blocked azoospermia.

However Swedish scientists say that the relatively new technique called Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) is having a beneficial effect.

The Swedish researchers asked 8 men who had had previous treatment for obstructive azoospermia infertility but were unsuccessful, to take part in the trial. The men were asked to detail their previous experiences of infertility treatment while the researchers pinpointed 4 areas of concern, namely inadequacy followed by a feeling of redress, marginalisation, chivalry and extension of life and starting a family. These 4 criteria are considered the driving forces in wanting to have a child.

The scientists believe that men’s own experiences are an important factor in improving care for infertile couples.

This recent Swedish research also echoes other research that appears to show that infertility problems are having a devastating effect on a couple’s relationships including their own family and friends.

One particular lady in the US has found it very hard to relate with her friends, many of whom have family of their own, but she is unable to get pregnant despite medical intervention.

The lady in question told reporters: “It’s hard for me to even find words to explain how devastating this all has been. When she started to make a whole new group of ‘mommy’ friends, it almost broke us.

“It’s not her fault, and I don’t begrudge her the opportunity by any means. It was just unbelievably painful for me to watch.”

“Facebook is a minefield. I’m of course always excited for anyone who makes a pregnancy announcement there, but a little part of me dies inside each time I read one.”

The thought of not being able to have children is also affecting her relationship with her husband.

The lady’s experiences are however not uncommon. Research has found that out of 62 million women who were reproductive in 2002 about 2% had need of infertility treatment within one year, while 10% of women are reported to have had some intervention.

One of the major reasons for this growing problem is women appear to be putting off having a baby much later in life.

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