Invasive Candidiasis

A genus of yeasts, candida can infect the human bloodstream and organs to cause what is known as Invasive Candidiasis. The most common form of the fungal infection is called Candidemia. In America, Candidemia is the fourth most prevalent bloodstream infection found in hospitalized individuals. The Center for Disease Control reports that Candidemia impacts approximately eight out of a hundred thousand individuals each year. Premature and underdeveloped babies, individuals who have received serious surgeries, and people with a weak immune system are especially vulnerable to Candidemia.

Invasive Candidiasis is diagnosed by a blood culture or tissue culture studied via microscopy. It is difficult to attribute specific symptoms to Invasive Candidiasis. A possible indicator of Invasive Candidiasis is when a patient does not respond to antibiotic therapy and continues to experience chills and fever. When the fungal infection spreads to vital organs such as the liver, spleen or the kidneys, or to parts of our bodies such as bones, joints, eyes, or muscles, more specific symptoms of Invasive Candidiasis may manifest according to where the infection has spread. Without proper treatment, Invasive Candidiasis may result in organ failure and consequent death.

Treatment of Invasive Candidiasis typically entails the prescription of Amphotericin B. Amphotericin B is administered intravenously. It can also be prescribed with azole drugs for oral consumption. Transmission of Invasive Candidiasis occurs when Candida organisms found in a person's digestive tract enter the bloodstream. Although highly unlikely, transmission is also possible from contaminated medical equipment contaminated with the fungus. From the blood stream, the Candida spread throughout the body.

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