Category “Abortion”

Pro-Choice Democrat Attacks New Abortion Bill-9772

March 2nd, 2011
Pro-Choice Democrat Attacks New Abortion Bill-9772

An American Democratic representative, Debbie Wasserman Schultz has vociferously attacked the new anti-abortion bill as “a violent attack on women.” Ms Wasserman Schultz who hails from Florida says the bill goes further than just denying access to abortion it will redefine rape so that it any woman is attacked in this way will no longer […]

New York’s Stubborn Abortion Rate Inexplicable-1283

February 28th, 2011
New York’s Stubborn Abortion Rate Inexplicable-1283

Experts are at a loss to explain why the abortion rate in the city of New York is so high, despite all other health statistics such as those related to smoking and nutrition showing vast improvements. It seems 2 out of every 5 pregnancies end in abortion a statistic which the Roman Catholic Archbishop of […]

Iowa Republican Anti Abortionists Attacked Over Their Amendment-9532

February 24th, 2011
Iowa Republican Anti Abortionists Attacked Over Their Amendment-9532

Iowan republican politicians have been accused of not taking certain outcomes into account in their relentless bid to ban abortion. Health professionals say that pregnancy can have a number of different outcomes, none of which appear to have been considered. These include: natural miscarriage, threat to the life of the woman, foetal abnormalities and even […]

Anti-Abortion Backlash Crosses The Border-9250

February 22nd, 2011
Anti-Abortion Backlash Crosses The Border-9250

The debate between pro and anti abortion lobbyists moved across the US / Canadian border recently. A student association in a Canadian University passed a resolution to uphold a ban regarding an anti abortion club. The pro life club in question which has about 10 members lost its accreditation last November, but tried to get […]

Anti Abortion Bandwagon Rolling On-3060

February 18th, 2011
Anti Abortion Bandwagon Rolling On-3060

Anti abortion campaigners appear to be on a roll in the United States. The latest State in the union to file anti abortion bills in their own State congress is Indiana. In fact, 21 were filed but 7 were withdrawn. One bill is designed to prevent women being able to claim health insurance, while another […]

Abortion Sign Unconstitutional-6378

February 16th, 2011
Abortion Sign Unconstitutional-6378

Without doubt, if there is one issue that causes much angst and heated debate in the United States, it’s abortion. This debate took a further twist recently when a federal judge decided that a sign at faith based pregnancy centres saying they won’t help clients get an abortion was unconstitutional. The debate began a year […]

Abortion and Mental Illness Link Debunked-9746

February 14th, 2011
Abortion and Mental Illness Link Debunked-9746

Pro life campaigners have long believed that having an abortion is one of the primary reasons for mental breakdown. However this theory has been shot down by research published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Instead, scientists say parenthood is the major factor and not abortion. The research carried out by Danish doctors said […]

Does Abortion Increase Mental Health Risks?-9375

February 10th, 2011
Does Abortion Increase Mental Health Risks?-9375

Apparently not according to recent research. The author of one study published in the New England Journal of Medicine said she was “not surprised by [the] findings.” Trine Munk-Olsen added: “Most well-made studies in the field of abortion and mental health show that having an abortion is not associated with an increased risk of having […]

Roman Catholic Church Supports Bills-9892

February 8th, 2011
Roman Catholic Church Supports Bills-9892

Anti abortion republicans pushing through several bills in Washington have got the backing of the Roman Catholic Church. Cardinal Daniel DiNardo of Galveston-Houston is chairman of the Committee on Pro-Life Activities of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). He recently sent letters of support for the three separate measures being pushed through the […]

US Senator Invokes Obama’s Race in Abortion Row-0032

February 4th, 2011
US Senator Invokes Obama’s Race in Abortion Row-0032

The debate surrounding abortion took a new twist recently when a former Pennsylvania Senator mentioned the US President’s race during an interview. He said: “The question is — and this is what Barack Obama didn’t want to answer — is that human life a person under the Constitution? And Barack Obama says no. “Well if […]

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