What treatments are available for Down’s syndrome?

There is no cure for Down’s syndrome but there are treatments which can be used to ease symptoms and encourage development. The aim of the treatment plan is to reduce pain, promote growth and development and encourage children to be as independent as possible.

If you have a baby with Down’s syndrome, you will be linked to a care team, which will consist of a number of different health professionals. The care team will cover all aspects of your child’s care including medical care, physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy and eye care.

Your child will be invited to attend regular check-ups to monitor their health and make sure they are as healthy as possible.

FAQS Index : Down's Syndrome

FAQs Intro

  1. What is Down’s syndrome?
  2. Are there different forms of Down’s syndrome?
  3. What causes Down’s syndrome?
  4. Are there any risk factors?
  5. What are the symptoms of Down’s syndrome?
  1. What are the effects of Down’s syndrome?
  2. What treatments are available for Down’s syndrome?
  3. How common is Down’s syndrome?
  4. Is it possible to detect Down’s syndrome during pregnancy?
  5. Is there any help or support available for people with Down’s syndrome?

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