Lower Back Strain : Golf Injuries

Most golf injuries are caused by repetitive stress, particularly amongst beginners whose stance and golf swing is incorrect, as this puts additional strain on the body. The lower back is susceptible to injury in golf, mainly through playing too much or by twisting the back awkwardly during the golf swing.

The Lower Explained

The five lumbar in the lower back join the upper and lower parts of the body together. The lumbar play an important role in providing strength and mobility to the body and the ligaments that are attached to each lumbar help to support the spine. The lower back helps you to bend, twist and turn and is put under stress during the golf swing.

What Causes a Lower Back Strain?

Muscle fibres in the lower back can become stretched or torn as a result of overuse, improper technique or poor conditioning. Inexperienced golfers are vulnerable to this type of injury because they are more likely to be using the wrong technique, such as over-swinging or twisting the spine too much during the swing. Older players may suffer lower back problems through gradual wear and tear of the muscles in the lower back, which happens naturally as you get older. Players are also more likely to sustain a back injury if they don’t warm up properly before playing.

What are the Symptoms of a Lower Back Strain?

Pain will be felt in the lower back and buttocks, which will vary in intensity depending on the severity of the strain. The pain will be worse when you are active and ease when you are resting. You may also suffer from muscle spasms as result of inflammation caused by tissue damage in the lower back.

How Can a Lower Back Strain be Prevented?

Even though golf is a relatively low impact sport compared to football or rugby for example, it is still important to warm up properly before you start playing, as this will help to prevent injury. It is also advisable to have lessons if you are a novice, as improper technique is a major cause of lower back injury in golf. By learning the correct technique, you will reduce the stress on your lower back and reduce the risk of injury.

How is a Lower Back Strain Treated?

Anti-inflammatory medication prescribed by a doctor will ease pain and inflammation immediately after sustaining the injury. It may be necessary to rest completely for 2 or 3 days, but after this gentle exercise may help to speed up the healing process. You should seek medical advice regarding how active you should be following a lower back strain. You may be advised to undertake physiotherapy treatment to strengthen the muscles in the lower back, which will promote healing and help to prevent the injury recurring in the future. Surgery is not usually required to treat a lower back strain.

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