Emotional effects of acne : Acne Treatment Guide

The emotional effects of acne are as important as the physical ones. But this is not always recognised.

It is one of those conditions which unless you have experienced it yourself is very difficult to imagine how the acne sufferer feels. Anxiety, embarrassment, self-loathing, ugliness and depression: these are just some of the emotions experienced by the sufferer.

It is all too easy for people to dismiss this as an over-reaction but acne does cause a great deal of distress for the sufferer. If you have to attend an interview, give a presentation or go to a social event such as a wedding then an acne breakout is your worst nightmare.

Acne and self-consciousness in young people

This can be even worse for teenagers. Teenagers are at that age where they are acutely self-conscious about their appearance and compare themselves to their friends. They are also heavily influenced by the media, celebrity culture etc.

So, being the only one to have an acne outbreak in your circle of friends is a less than pleasant experience.

However, teenagers are particularly prone to acne which means that your teenage son/daughter is unlikely to be the only one. This is small consolation but teenagers talk to and share experiences with their friends so they will elicit sympathy and support from their peer group. Plus if any of their friends have acne then they will be able to recommend an acne product such as ‘Clearasil’ or ‘Oxy’.

If you are a teenager then feeling upset or angry about acne is a completely normal reaction. It is an unfortunate part of growing up but does tend to disappear once you reach your late teens.

Plus there are a range of products available such as the two mentioned above which can help to treat acne. If these don’t work or you have a severe form of acne then you will need to visit your GP. He or she can advise you about a suitable form of treatment or refer you to a dermatologist if necessary.

Don’t suffer in silence. If your acne is affecting your life to the extent that you are withdrawn, avoid social contact or are depressed then seek professional help. Your GP will be sympathetic and can suggest a range of solutions.

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