More about Cradle Cap

We hope you have found this guide to be both useful and informative. It contains a whole range of information about cradle cap which includes a look at what it is, the signs and symptoms, the causes and forms of treatment. So what else do you need to know about cradle cap?

We have included a few ‘additional extras’ which can be seen as things to know about cradle cap which may be useful in the future.

Cradle cap extras

These include:

  • Cradle cap can come back – even once it has been successfully treated. So you may have to continue using a baby shampoo or specially medicated shampoo in the meantime to prevent any flare ups.
  • Most babies outgrow cradle cap by the time they reach their second birthday. But some babies will persist with this into childhood. This is much less noticeable than baby cradle cap. If it develops in older children then it is likely to be dandruff or seborrhoeic dermatitis rather than cradle cap.
  • Cradle cap can develop behind the ears and on the eyebrows and/or eyelids as well as the scalp. If it spreads to other parts of the body such as the face, neck, groin and backs of the knees then this is seborrhoeic dermatitis.
  • Cradle cap can be caused by Malassezia - a naturally occurring yeast on the skin. Some experts view cradle cap as a yeast infection which is why antifungal medication is given. This is usually prescribed in moderate to severe cases of cradle cap.
  • Babies with severe cases of cradle cap, such as seborrhoeic dermatitis may have other medical problems such Leiner’s disease or an immune system disorder (e.g. HIV).
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