Category “Medical negligence”

Personal Injury Lawyers Opposed to State’s Malpractice Rule Changes-6991

May 3rd, 2011
Personal Injury Lawyers Opposed to State’s Malpractice Rule Changes-6991

While there is major concern over the amount of money paid out in malpractice suits, the main opposition to any reform comes from personal injury lawyers. This is perhaps unsurprising when it is realised they stand to lose millions of dollars from plaintiffs who are awarded significantly high sums. However reformers believe there has got […]

Massive Payout for Family-2319

April 27th, 2011
Massive Payout for Family-2319

A Pennsylvanian family was recently awarded $21.6 million in a malpractice trial against a local hospital. The hospital was blamed for not giving the mother proper due care during the birth of her son born 4 years ago. The child now suffers from cerebral palsy and other problems, which were judged as occurring as a […]

Warnings about Illegal Plastic Surgery -9069

April 21st, 2011
Warnings about Illegal Plastic Surgery -9069

A leading cosmetic surgeon in Britain is warning people to be careful when going abroad for plastic surgery. Mr. Dalvi Humzah believes that many of the surgeons operating outside of the UK are doing so illegally. His comments follow the recent unfortunate death in the US of a British woman who was killed after being […]

Midland Solicitors Expanding Its Services-9875

April 18th, 2011
Midland Solicitors Expanding Its Services-9875

A local solicitors firm in the Black Country has decided to expand its services by offering better advice etc on personal injury and medical negligence claims. In order to do this they have taken on board 2 new solicitors. The personal injury lawyer is now a qualified member of the Law Society personal injury panel […]

Reduced Damages For Complainant-5968

April 14th, 2011
Reduced Damages For Complainant-5968

A woman who sued her employer for millions of dollars had to console herself with just a few thousand, after a jury found against her. The case surrounds injuries sustained in an accident in which the lady in question tripped and fell while at work. She apparently suffered damage to her left arm, and had […]

Battle Over Malpractice Changes-1262

April 12th, 2011
Battle Over Malpractice Changes-1262

Along with the Obama reforms there have been moves in the US to put limits on money paid out in malpractice suits. However there is some opposition to this proposal in Albany, New York. In fact the suggested new arrangements have become a hot political potato. Supporters of the changes have been criticised as being […]

Surgeon Accused Of Causing Partial Paralysis-5145

April 8th, 2011
Surgeon Accused Of Causing Partial Paralysis-5145

An American surgeon was sued for medical negligence when it transpired a patient he operated on ended up being permanently paralysed. It seems the patient fell and hurt his neck. After seeking medical attention he was informed that he would need a spinal operation. This involved removing a disc, which was replaced by metal. Unfortunately, […]

US Government Gets Tough With Medicare Fraud-5801

April 5th, 2011
US Government Gets Tough With Medicare Fraud-5801

While at the same time as passing new legislation requiring all US citizens to take out health insurance, the federal Government is cracking down on medicare fraud. In fact according to the health department 111 doctors, nurses and other medical people have been charged with making false billings. Health care reform is a very hot […]

USA Medical Malpractice Procedures Need To Change-4128

March 24th, 2011
USA Medical Malpractice Procedures Need To Change-4128

That’s the opinion of one prominent medical doctor – Dr Ananya Mandal. Dr Mandal believes that most patients with legitimate claims never actually see any money coming from a malpractice suit filed and won. The doctor also says that at the same time many doctors who have not done anything wrong are found liable for […]

Malpractice Compensation Payments Under Scrutiny-2321

March 16th, 2011
Malpractice Compensation Payments Under Scrutiny-2321

The Guam legislature is carrying out a scrutiny of compensation payments paid to out to those who suffered malpractice. The review however is only in connection with claims made against the Guam Government. Apparently it has been 27 years since Guam reviewed its compensation legislation. Currently the cap is $300,000 for a personal injury claim […]

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