What are some specific mycoses?

Candidiasis is caused by a type of yeast, most commonly Candida albicans. Candida albicans can get inside the body by simple breathing, and it can affect a variety of organs and systems. Very often, there might be a small but visible colony in your throat or in the back of your mouth. You might get this if you are taking corticosteroid inhalers (the brown inhaler, may contrain drugs such as budesonide) and have poor technique, as corticosteroids can weaken the immune system.

Candida can also get into your sinuses, lungs, pancreas, heart muscle, kidneys, bones, and urogenital system. Candida endocarditis (a disease of the heart muscle caused by Candida) is especially dangerous and can cause death in adults and children. It also has an extremely high recurrence rate, meaning it is very likely that you might catch it again if you have already had it.

Aspergillosis is caused by fungi from the genus Aspergillus, of which Aspergillus fumigatus most commonly causes this disease. Most people breathe in Aspergillus spores daily, but they can cause problems in people who have a weak immune system. It can affect the respiratory tract, sinuses, muscles, skin, bones, heart, eyes, brain and spinal cord, and can also cause problems in the kidneys and liver. Mild disease which only affects the lungs may not cause any problems. More serious disease which affects deeper tissues can cause memory loss, delirium, fever, and blood clots, and can lead to kidney and liver failure, which may result in death.

Blastomycosis is caused by Blastomyces dermatitidis, and is very common in some parts of North America. Again, it can be breathed in, and can multiply within the lungs and spread via blood vessels and lymphatics in 30 – 100 days. Lung symptoms are similar to those of bacterial pneumonia – chest pain on breathing, a cough with sputum, chills, fevers, and possibly flu-like symptoms with a headache as well. If it remains in the lungs, it can also cause night sweats and weight loss, resembling lung cancer or tuberculosis. It can also get into the skin, bones and joints, and urogenital system.

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