Q10. Are there any complications with cradle cap?

A10. Cradle cap is usually harmless and responds well to treatment. Complications are rare but it is as well to be aware of these, the main one being impetigo.

Impetigo is a highly contagious skin rash, caused by bacteria (streptococcal) which results in tiny red spots which are filled with pus. It also causes swollen lymph glands and flu-like symptoms in general.

If your baby develops this then he/she needs to be seen by your GP who will prescribe antibiotics.

FAQS Index : A guide to Cradle Cap

Cradle Cap FAQs

  1. What is cradle cap?
  2. Does it only affect babies?
  3. What are the signs of cradle cap?
  4. Is cradle cap contagious?
  5. What causes cradle cap?
  1. What is the difference between cradle cap and seborrhoeic dermatitis?
  2. How do I treat cradle cap?
  3. Can I use tea tree oil to treat my baby’s cradle cap?
  4. Does what I eat whilst breastfeeding increase the risk of cradle cap?
  5. Are there any complications with cradle cap?

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