Q3. Why are there more children with autism than adults?

A3. The main reason for this is that children now are more likely to be diagnosed with autism than adults. Many adults have gone through childhood and adolescence without ever having received a diagnosis of autism.

They may have displayed a few signs of an autistic spectrum disorder but these might have been viewed as eccentricity or as being a ’difficult child’.

Autism is more easily detected in children who often undergo a series of check ups at various ages which are known as ’developmental stages’. These stages are an important part of child development and are based upon a set of skills which a child should be able to do at a certain age.

These skills become progressively harder over time as the child is expected to be able to cope with more complex tasks as they develop.

Plus there is greater awareness and understanding about autism which has led to improvements in diagnosis and treatment.

For more information visit our diagnosing autism section.

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