Expressing and breast pumps

Expressing milk is a great way of ensuring your baby gets all the nutrients they need without having to rely on you being around to feed them all the time. You can express your milk at any time of the day, although the supply is often better in the morning. Expressing milk allows other people to feed the baby, allows mothers freedom to go out or go back to work without being worried about their baby getting the right nutrition and also makes it easier if you want to go out for the day or plan to be out of the house for a while.

If you are expressing milk, you will usually use a breast pump; nowadays, there is a large range of products on the market, including battery powered and mains powered models. Before you express, it may be advisable to warm and soften your breasts using warm water or massage exercises; you need to read the instructions of the pump carefully because they work in different ways. Attach the pump to the breast, ensure there is a seal and draw the cylinder component of the pump away from you; if you have got a battery or mains powered pump this will all be done for you. Ensure the pump has been sterilised before you use it.

Once you have expressed the milk, it should be stored in the fridge; it is possible to freeze the milk but it should be fully defrosted in a container of warm water before you give it to your baby.


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