Is premature birth in pregnant women over age 35 common?

A premature birth occurs when a baby is delivered or born within 37 weeks of the gestation period. Increases in premature births occur in both the US and UK, and UK obstetricians associate obesity and postponing motherhood as contributory reasons for the increase.

Both governments are trying to reduce the numbers of babies born prematurely because of likelihood of disability that impacts health costs and the economy. And this could be a contributing factor to the rise in caesarean sections and assisted instrumental delivery.

Are more left-handed babies born to pregnant mothers over age 35?

Studies by researchers in London reveal that the number of individuals born left-handed is increasing and that because of their different brain structures, their abilities in languages, mathematics, sport and art can be more diverse than right-handed people. Statistics link the increase in births to mothers over age 35 to the increase in left-handed children in Britain.

How can pregnant mothers over age 35 reduce risks?

Women over the age of 35 can prepare themselves for fertility, pregnancy, birth, and childcare through lifestyle choices, and by building their physical and mental health. Following a healthy diet with balanced nutrition, doing regular gentle exercise, avoiding alcohol, smoking and recreational drugs, and having regular medical checkups, helps lower risks of pregnancy and birth complications.

The Department of Health recommends certain vitamin intake, such as folic acid, for pregnant mothers to also reduce risk of deformity to the neural tubes. Discussing any medications used for conditions like diabetes, epilepsy and severe anaemia, with a medical professional is essential as part of the health plan for mothers trying to conceive and those pregnant.

Once pregnant, being vigilant in attendance of prenatal appointments and participating in maternity care are risk preventative measures for both the health of the expectant mother and developing embryo/foetus.

Having a baby after 35:

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