Telling your partner and first child that your are expecting again

When a couple have been trying to conceive for a second child, and conception occurs, there is usually joy in sharing the news of the pregnancy to the family. And including the partner in the pregnancy news and process is as important in how the news is delivered to the first child.

The first child has experienced the mother and father's sole attention and love, and knowing there will be another who will share that attention can cause a range of emotions in a child, some positive and some negative. Channelling the child's emotions to welcoming and accepting the new born involves understanding their feelings about the pregnancy, and including them in the pregnancy process.

For example, the first child can be included in understanding the pregnancy timeline and calendar, in making pregnancy recipes for good health, in antenatal classes and exercise, in choosing maternity clothing and the name of the baby. Taking an inclusive approach for both first child and father can promote the family unit.

When the pregnancy is unplanned at a time where there is relationship stress or financial strain, these stresses and strains can take away the joy of being “inclusive” in sharing the pregnancy news and process. Choosing what is best for you and the family can be daunting. Taking time to absorb that you are pregnant and what it means, talking with a medical professional, and thinking about how you can best speak with your partner is wise. Together, decisions can be made about sharing the news of the second pregnancy and what is best for the family unit.

Having Another baby:

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