Cellulite treatment

Cellulite is the bane of many women’s lives and is guaranteed to cause a discussion on any women’s health forum, blog or social networking site.

Gender is certainly a factor here. Cellulite does affect men but to a much lesser extent than women which could lead one to assume that it is part of a male conspiracy.

Around 90% of women have cellulite. Cellulite affects slim women as well as those who are overweight or obese and often develops from adolescence onwards.

These are depressing statistics, but there are a range of treatments available to reduce cellulite which includes dermaroller.

What is cellulite?

Cellulite is the ‘orange peel’ effect seen on the abdomen, thighs and buttocks which gives the skin a dimpled appearance. It is considered to be an important factor in issues to do with body image, confidence and self-esteem.

It is not a medical condition but is the name given to the effect caused when fat underneath the skin pushes against this causing it to develop an uneven, dimpled appearance.

This subcutaneous fat is actually a series of 3 layers which lie underneath the epidermis and dermis. This is structured as large chambers which are surrounded by strands of connective tissue and act as storage facilities for fat.

These chambers are larger in women than men which is why women have a greater tendency towards cellulite. Plus there is the fact that women have greater amounts of body fat compared to men and tend to store this around the hips, thighs and buttocks.

It is rare for men to get cellulite. A few unlucky males do but they are in the minority. The way you store fat is determined by hormones, metabolism, genetics and your lifestyle. A poor diet, lack of exercise, insufficient hydration and a genetic inheritance mean that you are at risk of developing cellulite. Plus changes within the subcutaneous fat layers can cause an increase in fat and a reduction in flexibility in connective tissue: these rigid strands of tissue mean that pockets of fat form and then bulge up against the skin.

Causes of cellulite

Lifestyle factors are a cause but so are hormones, in particular the female hormone oestrogen. So, unfortunately, this is where women lose out as it fluctuates at certain times throughout life, e.g. puberty and causes a range of effects which include cellulite.

We know that a poor lifestyle can cause cellulite but, even a healthy diet and exercise cannot prevent you from developing this irritating condition. It can improve it but it does not get rid of cellulite.

Even lean, fit female athletes develop cellulite.

If your mother or any other female relatives have cellulite then you will probably follow the same pattern. Even if you are slim and trim this does not protect you against cellulite.

Treating cellulite with dermaroller

One answer to the problem of cellulite is dermaroller. This handheld device penetrates the top layer of the skin but without any pain or bleeding.

This results in a series of tiny puncture wounds which also stimulates production of collagen and elastin – two substances within the skin which are essential for its strength and flexibility.

As new collagen is grown it causes the dimpled areas of skin to become thicker, stronger and elastic. It also improves circulation and gives a youthful glow to the skin.

A vitamin based lotion, gel or cream is applied to the skin following this treatment which helps to lubricate the skin and further aid collagen growth.

Cellulite, along with deep seated scars and stretch marks requires a dermaroller with longer micro-needle, e.g. a 1.0/1.5 sized needle.

Results of cellulite treatment with dermaroller

Regular sessions of dermaroller mean a reduction in your cellulite and better looking skin. It also works well in conjunction with anti-cellulite creams and can boost their effectiveness.

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