Q12. How do I go about arranging help at home for my parents?

A12. If you feel that your parents are at that stage that they require some help around the house then contact your local social services department and/or the NHS.

Voluntary organisations such as the WRVS and Age Concern are another good source of help.

You also have the option of arranging help from a private agency. If you choose to a private agency then you (or your parents) will have to pay for all of their care.

You can apply to social services - as part of your local authority for help towards paying the cost of care. However, they have limited funds and will expect a contribution towards the costs of any services they provide.

For more information have a look at our care at home section. Details of these organisations and other useful bodies can be found on our links page.

FAQS Index : A guide to Elderly Care

FAQs Intro

  1. Is there more than one type of care home?
  2. Which type of care home is right for me?
  3. My mother has Alzheimer’s disease and requires care; how do I go about arranging this?
  4. How much does a care home cost?
  5. Why are care home fees so expensive?
  6. Will I have to pay for all of my care home fees?
  7. Will I have to sell my house to pay for my nursing home fees?
  8. Can I get help towards the cost of my care?
  1. What is a ‘needs assessment?’
  2. I am not happy with the standard of care at my father’s care home; how do I make a complaint?
  3. Are there alternatives to a care home?
  4. How do I go about arranging help at home for my parents?
  5. I want to stay in my own home but am finding it difficult to manage: can I get any help with this?
  6. What is ‘sheltered accommodation'?
  7. What is ‘assisted living?’

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