Scar Revision

Scar revision is a cosmetic procedure that is utilized to reduce the size and overall appearance of scar tissue.  Although it is impossible to completely remove a scar, scar revision surgery can help make the scar less obvious and possibly unnoticeable. The visibility of the scar following the surgery depends upon the size of the scar, the depth of the original wound, the thickness of the patient's skin, the direction of the scar and the color of the patient's skin.

Understanding Scar Revision

When performing a scar revision, the surgeon may use injections or other surgical procedures in order to reduce the appearance of the scar.  The method utilised depends upon the type of scar as well as the patient's personal preference.

Keloid scars, which are thick, itchy scars that grow beyond the edges of the incision and are generally red in color, may be cut out of the skin completely with scar revision surgery.  These scars generally form when the body continues to produce collagen after the wound has healed.  When the tissue is cut out and the incision is closed, the excess collagen is removed also.  While a scar may result from the removal of the scar tissue, the new scar is less noticeable than the one that was removed.  The same procedure is used with hypertophic scars, which are similar in appearance to keloid scars, but the surgeon also repositions the incision when removing this tissue in order to make the new scar less noticeable.

Regardless of the procedure used and the type of scar tissue being corrected, the procedure generally takes anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours to complete.  In addition, most patients are able to go home on the day of the surgery, though it is sometimes necessary to remain in the surgical center or hospital overnight.

Risks Associated with Scar Revision Surgery


Scar revision surgery generally offers very little risk of complication, but there are risks associated with any type of surgical procedure.  Some of the potential risks of scar revision surgery include:

  • Bleeding
  • Bruising
  • Infection
  • Feeling unsatisfied with the final results
  • Negative reaction to anesthesia
  • Scarring
  • Swelling
It is important to note that the final results of scar revision surgery may take up to a year before they are noticeable.  In addition, some scarring is likely to be noticeable following the procedure.  Therefore, patients should have realistic expectations of what the procedure can and cannot do regarding the appearance of scars
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