Latest treatments

This section discusses the latest treatments for varicose veins. These innovative forms of treatment are minimally invasive compared to traditional surgery which makes them attractive to people who do not wish to undergo an operation.

But there is little evidence to show their effectiveness (or not) and they are not widely available, especially on the NHS. So consider this if you are interested in having any of these treatments as you may have to pay for them.

The types of innovative treatments for varicose veins are:

Have a look at all of these to find out more about them and to see which may be the most suitable for you.

Some of these treatments are less available than others. Your GP or vascular surgeon will discuss the various options but the choices available will depend upon your local Primary Care Trust (PCT).

Plus as you are probably aware funding is an issue with the NHS. Money is finite which means that the NHS has to prioritise treatment according to need. The highest priority treatment is at the top of the list and receives the appropriate funds and this carries on in descending order of priority.

So treatments such as endovenous laser treatment or radiofrequency ablation may be a long way down that list.

If your local PCT does not fund this treatment or there is a long waiting list then your only other option is to "go private" and pay for treatment.

Guide to Varicose Veins

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