How do I prepare for my liposuction?

You will be given a list of instruction on how to prepare for liposuction. These will include what medications you can take or not before surgery, stopping smoking and when to have your last meal.

If you are taking any prescription medication such as Aspirin then you will have to stop taking this. This and other similar drugs can cause bleeding so stop taking these a couple of weeks beforehand>

You will be advised about this and other details. These will include having your last alcoholic drink a week before and your last meal 6 hours before surgery.

What you will need to do is to ensure that someone can drive you to and from the hospital and can help you out at home. For the first week after you will need to rest and allow your wounds to heal. This means no bending, stretching or lifting. Ask someone to do your normal household jobs and keep an eye on your children – if you have a family.

You will need to take some time off work so arrange this in advance with your employer.

The day before your surgery, pack a small case with your toiletries, nightwear and a few of your favourite books or magazines. Do not wear any jewellery and leave any other valuables at home.

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