Eye surgery claims

Your eyesight is one of the most precious aspects of your health and cannot be taken for granted. Our eyes perform a wide range of functions and are a superb piece of engineering.

But like any part of the body things can go wrong. They are vulnerable to the ageing process which results in conditions such as presbyopia (seeing up close).

Plus they can be damaged by objects, foreign bodies, physical trauma or illness.

The eyes can also be affected by genetic conditions such as myopia (short-sightedness) and hyperopia (long-sightedness).

These conditions can be corrected with visual aids such as glasses or contact lenses but these have lost out in popularity recently to laser eye surgery.

What about a complete loss of sight?

Blindness or partial loss of sight is dealt with in a separate section. Find out more in our loss of eyesight claims within the serious injuries section of this guide.

This section deals with compensation claims for eye surgery.

Laser eye surgery

Laser eye surgery is effective and has restored normal vision to many people but like any form of surgery is not without its risks. Unfortunately, some people have found that their eyesight has worsened as a result of undergoing laser eye surgery.

There are different techniques for laser eye surgery which include LASIK, LASEK, PRK and Cornea inlays.

LASIK and LASEK both involve the use of a laser to reshape the cornea (transparent front part of the eye) to correct faulty vision such as short-sightedness.

PRK was the forerunner of LASIK/LASEK and is still used today. It is also used for vision correction and involves the use of a laser to reshape the cornea.

Cornea inlays (or outlays) are a type of implantable contact lens. They are also used to correct impaired vision and unlike contact lenses, do not need to be removed or cleaned.

If you want to know more about this subject then visit our complete guide to laser eye surgery.

If your eyesight has worsened after laser eye surgery or you have suffered an eye injury which was not your fault then you may be entitled to compensation. This equally applies if you have lost your eyesight as a result of surgery.

Impact of negligent eye surgery

This type of injury affects not only you but your family as well. An eye injury can have devastating effects which in many cases, are for life.

The worst case scenario is a loss of sight caused by errors made during surgery.

The consequences can mean you having to leave your current job or give up work altogether; requiring specialist care and support; rehabilitation, e.g. learning Braille; additional expenses such as travel to hospital, clinic etc.

All of these put a terrible strain on you and your family and may lead to financial hardship.

Whilst compensation may not restore your sight to its original state it can recompense you for the pain and distress caused.

Making a claim for compensation for eye surgery negligence

This type of claim is handled by a personal injury lawyer or solicitor who has experience and knowledge related to this type of claim. Make sure that you find someone who fits these criteria and is able to advise you on all aspects of a compensation claim.

They should deal with your claim in a sympathetic and caring manner and with a high degree of professionalism. A personal injury lawyer will assess your claim before advising you on the likely outcome of such an action.

Find out more about this process in our making a claim for compensation section.

Time limit for claiming compensation for eye surgery negligence >

Claims for compensation for a personal injury (or illness) have a deadline of 3 years. This means that you have to make a claim within 3 years of the date of the original accident or diagnosis of an illness.

Your personal injury lawyer or solicitor will be able to advise you further about this. He or she will discuss the deadline for a compensation claim with you and will ensure that you meet this deadline.

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